All Saints Day - what it is about? and who are saints anyway? We look at this and the hope of the resurrection for all who put their trust in Jesus Christ.

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Preacher: Ian Hardcastle [Texts: John 11:32-44; Isaiah 25:6-9; Revelation 21:1-6]
All Saints Day - what it is about? and who are saints anyway? We look at this and the hope of the resurrection for all who put their trust in Jesus Christ. ![]()
Preacher: Ian Hardcastle [Texts: Luke 24:36-48; Acts 3:12-20]
We continue in this Easter season with the eyewitness accounts reported by Luke. When Jesus had appeared to his disciples and proven that he was alive and solid, he told them that they were witnesses of his death and resurrection. In Peter's preaching, he repeatedly said, "We are witnesses." All of us are called to be witnesses - to tell of our experiences of God. We don't need to expert evangelists to do that - just say what your experience was. ![]()
Preacher: Ian Hardcastle [Texts: John 20:19-31 ; 1 John 1:1-2:2] This second Sunday in Easter, we continue with eye-witness testimony. This week, John's account of the evening of the day of Jesus' resurrection and a week later. He also gave us his reflection on knowing the divine-man who is in himself Eternal Life. ![]()
Preacher: Ian Hardcastle [Texts: John 20:1-18; Acts 10:34-43; 1 Corinthians 15:1-11]
Today we hear three Apostles all testifying to the resurrection. John, Peter and Paul all have their evidence to offer that Jesus Christ died and rose again to eternal life. ![]()
Preacher: Ian Hardcastle [Texts: 1 Peter 1:3-9; Acts 2:14a, 22-32]
In this Easter season, we have a series of readings following the teaching of the Apostle Peter. Have you ever wondered what Jesus explained to the Apostles after the Resurrection? We don't have to wonder because they preached it, they wrote it down for us! In today's readings we hear Peter preaching and read his encouragement to the early church about the impact of the resurrection. ![]()
Preacher: Ian Hardcastle [Texts: Luke 20:27-38; Job 19:23-27a; 2 Thessalonians 2:1-5, 13-17]
There is hope for life after death for those who believe in Jesus. We will also one day be resurrected to life. Jesus' resurrection guarantees ours. ![]()
Preacher: Ian Hardcastle
[Texts: Revelation 21:1-6; Acts 11:1-18] As the ripples of Easter spread wider the Spirit of God introduces Gentiles to the Church while in John's vision of the New Earth, we catch a glimpse of the enthroned Son of God who invites us to drink of the water of life - the Holy Spirit. ![]()
Preacher: Ian Hardcastle [Texts: John 10:22-30; Acts 9:36-32; Revelation 7:9-17]
As we continue to celebrate the resurrection of Jesus, we review his teaching and understand him to be the Son of God who holds us safe; he is glorified by the angels and he empowers his church. ![]()
Preacher: Ian Hardcastle [Texts: John 21:1-19; Acts 9:1-20; Revelation 5:11-14]
Today's readings present three encounters with the risen Christ told by eye-witnesses. When the disciples met Jesus by the lake, he restored Peter from shame into acceptance and responsibility. Here we find lessons for us as we find our way in greater wholeness or help others on that journey. ![]()
Preacher: Ian Hardcastle [Texts: 1 Corinthians 15:51-58; Luke 46-49]
Part 3 of 3 on 1 Cor 15 and the resurrection. We consider the question of cremation and how it fits with a resurrection hope, what happens to those who are alive at the time of Christ's return, death defeated and the consequence for living our lives now. We have hope. We need to keep our trust in Christ and the transforming power of resurrection. ![]()
Preacher: Ian Hardcastle [Texts: 1 Corinthians 15:35-38, 42-50; Luke 16:19-31; Genesis 45:3-11,15]
Part two of three considering Paul's teaching on the resurrection from 1 Cor 15. Today we consider what we know of our form in the afterlife - before and after the resurrection. ![]()
Preacher: Ian Hardcastle [Text: 1 Corinthians 15:1-20]
The resurrection is an important foundation of our faith and yet is often misunderstood. Today we review the important creedal statement Paul made in 1 Cor 15:3-8 about the Gospel and the resurrection of Jesus. And then we start to see how crucial the resurrection is to the gospel - without it Paul tells us that our faith is in vain and we are deluded! ![]()
Preacher: Ian Hardcastle [Text: 2 Corinthians 5:1-17] When Paul wrote his second letter to the Corinthians he had been through serious traumas. He lists the many floggings, dangers and perils later in this letter and specifically in the first chapter he wrote of a time when it was so bad he despaired of life itself, but God delivered him. In Chapter five, he shares some ideas about suffering and dying. In the midst of it we find nuggets of hope and indicators of the motivations which kept him going. Which of these impacts you? Take some time to explore it more and build it into your life as a strong motivator for Godly living and service. ![]()
Preacher: Ian Hardcastle [Texts: John 10:11-18; 1 John 3:16-24] Today is ANZAC day. We remember those who gave their lives in war. Where do we find hope? Jesus supremely gave his life for us and in him we find the hope of eternal life. ![]()
Preacher: Peter Lloyd [Text Luke 24:36-48] Peter addresses the concern that science is opposed to faith or incompatible with it with a resounding 'NO!' Read his sermon to hear why. ![]()
Preacher: Ian Hardcastle [Texts: John 20:1-18; Acts 10:34-43; 1 Corinthians 15:1-11] Here we have the testimonies of three eyewitness followers of Jesus writing of his resurrection from the dead - not legend, not imagination, not hallucination, but solid evidence from those who were there. ![]()
Preacher: Ian Hardcastle [Texts: Luke 20:27-38; 2 Thessalonians 2:1-17] What do you make of the resurrection? Jesus believed in it. Paul believed in it. What about you? ![]()
Preacher: Ian Hardcastle [Text: Colossians 2:6-23] Having established his credentials with them, Paul challenges the false teachings which threaten the faith of the Christians at Colossae. While we may not be subject to exactly the same errors, there are common principles which are valuable for us as we face the challenges of today's world and its thinking. ![]()
Preacher: Ian Hardcastle [Texts: Acts 9:1-20; Revelation 5:11-14; John 21:1-19] We are given the responses of three different people to Jesus: Thomas who struggled to believe; Peter who had denied Jesus and Saul who had persecuted the church. As we look at their responses, what is our own? ![]()
Preacher: Ian Hardcastle [Text: Acts 8:26-40; (Luke 24:36b-48)] We are in the Easter season, in these 40 days Jesus appeared repeatedly to his disciples and taught them - what? We are not told - or are we? ![]()