Julie-anne Laird has produced the Ripple Effect course which helps us share what matters to us with those we care about. Today she introduces it with the passage from Colossians 4:2-6 and four (no five) points: Pray, Proclaim, Prioritise, Prepare (and Practise).
Preacher: Ian Hardcastle [Text: Matthew 5:13-16]
Jesus said to his disciples and says to us, "You are the salt of the earth. ... You are the light of the world." Salt and light are strong metaphors laden with meaning. On the day before Waitangi Day, Ian looks at the missionaries being salt and light, some features of the signing and a simple way we can be more like salt and light in our daily life.
Preacher: Ian Hardcastle [Texts: Ephesians 3:1-12; Matthew 2:1-12] Epiphany - the Manifestation or showing of Christ. The Wise men were the first gentiles to come to see him. They received some revelation and followed the light they had to find Christ and give him their best. Should we do less? Paul says the Church is to show the wisdom of God to the heavenly powers. How might we do that?
Preacher: Ian Hardcastle [Text: Matthew 5:13-20 with 1 Cor 2:1-12] As Jesus started his public ministry he gave his great teaching we call the Sermon on the Mount. We hear again his call for his followers to be salt and light to the people around. Let's consider what he means and how we might follow him.
Preacher: Ian Hardcastle [Texts: 2 Kings 5:1-14 ; Luke 1:1-20] In both the Old Testament and the Gospel readings we see evangelists at work. Jesus tells us to pray that God will send harvesters into his harvest field. We need to be about his work and praying for others too.
Preacher: Ian Hardcastle [Text: Acts 8:26-40; (Luke 24:36b-48)] We are in the Easter season, in these 40 days Jesus appeared repeatedly to his disciples and taught them - what? We are not told - or are we?
Preacher: Ian Hardcastle Next week we expect to have our Partners in Mission with us from Tanzania. Tito and John will be with us for nearly three weeks. They have much to pass onto us - so let us make good use of this opportunity.
Preacher: Peter Lloyd [Text: Acts 1:6-14] Jesus has handed the baton onto us - how are we going to respond. As we consider this responsibility, Peter tells us about the prayer initiative from the Archbishop of Canterbury, "Thy Kingdom Come". He asks us to pray for 5 people each day between Ascension and Pentecost, that they might know Jesus. Preacher: Ian Hardcastle [John 4:4-19, 25-30, 39,42] The account of Jesus meeting the Samaritan woman gives us examples of conversational evangelism first by Jesus and then by the woman as she evangelises the town!
Preacher: The Revd Peter Cave [ Texts: 1 Kings 18:20-39; Galatians 1:1-12 ; Luke 7:1-10] Peter who was the previous vicar here speaks on mainly music and making people thirsty! Preacher: Ian Hardcastle [Text: 2 Kings 5:1-14 ; 1 Corinthians 9:24-27 ] How much courage would it take for a slave to tell her master that there is a cure for leprosy in the enmy country? How much courage does it take to tell your friend about Jesus?