Programmes run by St Stephen's Parish
Wondering about the big questions? Not sure about church? What to think about what you believe? -- then Alpha is the place for you.
More... Foodbank
We support the Hibiscus Coast Foodbank.
Every first Sunday, we collect non-perishable food items and deliver them to the foodbank. Homegroups
Being part of a homegroup is a great way to grow in relationships with others and with God. We have quite a range so have a look and see what suits you. More...
Friendship, faith, hobbies, meals and ... sheds. A group for men.
Junior ChurchAt St Stephen’s we love to give kids Christian teaching. It’s an incredibly important life foundation. It's all go here...
mainly music
A special programme for pre-schoolers and their parents. We run mainly music on Tuesdays and Wednesdays from 9:30am. See more here.
Marriage Course
It is very practical, giving any married couple the tools to build a strong and healthy marriage that lasts a lifetime.
How does it work? Parish Prayer
Prayer is the basis for all we do together - Jesus said, "Without me you can do nothing." Meet on Wednesdays at 11:00am ...
Messy Church
It's fun; it's for all ages; it's creative; there's craft work, a Bible story, a song, a meal together. It's on the last Sunday of each month. More ....
Second Chance Church Shop
We run an opportunity shop known as 'The Second Chance Shop' which offers at low prices a great range of used clothing for adults and children, books, household wares, furniture, etc. Find us here.
Selwyn Centre
Older people on the Whangaparaoa Peninsula now have the chance to meet others and socialise in the friendly, caring environment of a Selwyn Centre. Read more here...