210905_the_names_of_god_in_psalm_23.pdf |
Psalm 23 just keeps on giving. Following on from the three previous sermons on the Psalm, how we explore the illustrations of the names of God contained with this amazing psalm. Obviously, Jehovah-Raah, Yahweh my shepherd, but then another ten as well! As we meditate on these, they will strengthen our confidence in God's care for us, his provision and his peace.
Preacher: Ian Hardcastle [Text: Psalm 23]
Today our theme is the care of the Good Shepherd. In my last two sermons, I explored Psalm 23, on 18/7/21 & 1/8/21. Since then we have gone back into Level 4 lockdown. The remaining portions of the psalm are relevant to this situation offering encouragement, strength and comfort when we may be feeling challenged, afraid or depressed. ![]()
Preacher: Ian Hardcastle [Texts: Psalm 23; Mark 6:30-34,53-56; Jeremiah 23:1-6] In the gospel passage we see Jesus actively shepherding the people. When we turn back to Psalm 23, David spells out the care God provides for his people based on the practices of a shepherd. It is richer than most of us understand. ![]()
Preacher: Ian Hardcastle [Text: 2 Corinthians 5:1-17] When Paul wrote his second letter to the Corinthians he had been through serious traumas. He lists the many floggings, dangers and perils later in this letter and specifically in the first chapter he wrote of a time when it was so bad he despaired of life itself, but God delivered him. In Chapter five, he shares some ideas about suffering and dying. In the midst of it we find nuggets of hope and indicators of the motivations which kept him going. Which of these impacts you? Take some time to explore it more and build it into your life as a strong motivator for Godly living and service. ![]()
Preacher: Ian Hardcastle [Texts: Isaiah 63:7-9; Hebrews 2:10-18; Matthew 2:13-23] All three texts speak of suffering, Ian addresses that topic and the reason for the Incarnation as the writer to the Hebrews explains it. ![]()