We accept a large range of goods in good saleable condition. Please remember that to sell items they need to be clean and in good working order, otherwise we have to pay to dispose of them, which means we have less to give to our charity of the month. Please bring your donations to the far door at the front of the furniture section, if the door is closed please let someone at the entrance know you are have some donations to deliver. For larger items please call us or email us! We run an opportunity shop known as 'The SECOND CHANCE SHOP' which offers a great range of used clothing for adults and children, books, DVDs, CDs, furniture, electrical items and some bric-a-brac at good prices. We do not accept beds or large couches. Many find it a good place to meet and have a chat. A regular supply of goods comes into the shop by donation from the public for which we are very grateful.
Heidi Versey and Katelyn Gaskell manage the shop leading a wonderful team of volunteers. Collection and Delivery service We offer a local delivery and collection service. Please call the shop to offer furniture to be collected. Delivery can be arranged at the time of sale. Volunteers Maybe you'd like to help us in our mission - joining a team of people working with purpose. Do make contact to discuss what you can offer and how it may fit in. Supporting our community The profits from the shop are split between a selection of other charities and help fund some of our parish work. Each month a portion of the profits is given to our "Charity of the Month" programme, voted for by the Op-shop Volunteers and the members of the Parish. Since starting the Charity of the Month in late 2019 we have supported the Salt Trust Orewa Community Christmas Lunch, Hibiscus Coast Foodbank, Orewa Women's Refuge, Youth in Transition,, Steps Forward, CanTeen and many others. |
Phone Number: (09) 424-3717
Email: opshop (at) Facebook: @StStephensSecondChanceShop Hours: 9:30am - 4pm Tuesday to Friday 9:30am - 3pm Saturday We are closed Sundays, Mondays and Public Holidays |
Some of the charities we supported over the years: