Café Theo is a community education opportunity featuring motivating speakers on a variety of topics that affect us in our everyday lives and faith journeys. The evening starts at 7pm with coffee, cake and music, at 7:30pm a talk on the chosen topic is given by the guest speaker and finishes with an opportunity for discussion. Open to all, there is no entry fee although koha to help us cover costs is appreciated.
2023 sees the Most Revd Dr Sir David Moxon and the Revd Jacynthia Murphy as our guest speakers to restart our Café Theo programme. We are privileged to have two such significant Christian speakers join us.
2023 sees the Most Revd Dr Sir David Moxon and the Revd Jacynthia Murphy as our guest speakers to restart our Café Theo programme. We are privileged to have two such significant Christian speakers join us.
Session 1: Our Church's Involvement in the Signing of Te Tiriti
Speaker: The Most Revd Dr Sir David Moxon
Thursday 29th June, 7pm
Session 2: The Crossroad - Te Ripekanga
Partnership in our Church today
Speaker: The Revd Jacynthia Murphy
Thursday 27th July, 7pm
![]() Jacynthia was brought up a Catholic in the Hokianga, the landing place of Kupe and the Māori people. She lived in Australia for 23 years as a small businessperson, radio broadcaster and documentary maker. She then studied at St. John’s College, became an Anglican priest and served with Te Tai Tokerau and the Anglican Diocese for 20 years. She has represented New Zealand internationally, including speaking at two United Nation webinars on climate and the Status of Women and opening the Lambeth Conference in 2022 with a Māori Karakia at Canterbury Cathedral.