After resurrection, at the ascension, there is the command to go out and tell. It is Pentecost when the disciples are enabled to obey. By in large, for us too, there the command but we are not good at telling others. Peter attributes this to the relentless attack on the Christian church since the Enlightenment and the fact that we cannot do God's work unaided by Him. So Peter encourages us to ask for the empowering of the Holy Spirit to enable us in our callings.
Preacher: Capt Peter Lloyd [Texts: Acts 2:1-21; 1 Corinthians 12:4-13]
After resurrection, at the ascension, there is the command to go out and tell. It is Pentecost when the disciples are enabled to obey. By in large, for us too, there the command but we are not good at telling others. Peter attributes this to the relentless attack on the Christian church since the Enlightenment and the fact that we cannot do God's work unaided by Him. So Peter encourages us to ask for the empowering of the Holy Spirit to enable us in our callings.
Preacher: Ian Hardcastle [Text: 1 Peter 5:5b-11]
As we conclude this series through the first epistle of Peter, in the final verses, he instructs us to be humble before God and with each other. We are given encouragement and instruction in resisting spiritual attacks and assured of God's strengthening and secure establishment. ![]()
Preacher: Ian Hardcastle [Text: 1 Peter 3:] As we continue through the First Epistle of Peter, Peter encourages his readers to fear God more than people. He continues with an intriguing comment about Jesus preaching to imprisoned spirits and explains baptism. ![]()
Preacher: Ian Hardcastle [Texts: 1 Kings 3:5-10; 1 Peter 2:13-17; Matthew 22:16-22]
Having just watched the coronation the previous evening, we reflect on the significance of the coronation as a covenant between the King and the people and between God and the King. We see the significance of the actions taken and the investing actions. We reflect on our part as we relate to the sovereign from a Biblical stance. ![]()
Preacher: Ian Hardcastle [Text: 1 Peter 2:2-10]
As we follow the Apostle Peter's letter in chapter 2, he speaks of Christian growth - we need to crave pure spiritual milk. As we come to Christ, we are made part of the dwelling place of God on earth. Here is a high view of the Church. We are chosen, shown mercy, taken out of darkness into light, treasured, protected, made into a nation of kings and priests. ![]()