Today our main reading is the account of the Transfiguration. Why does this come in Lent? Perhaps because Lent is a preparation for Easter and the Transfiguration tells who Jesus is, and gives us confidence that He is working in us to sanctify from glory to glory and offers a foretaste of future glory.
See below for notices of: March Mission Month | Hope Project Deliveries | Palm Crosses.
Service video
March is Mission Month:
Our Mission focus is Kondoa Diocese in Tanzania. Our target is to raise funds to provide for 10 evangelists @ $260 per year and $5000 towards the Bishop's stipend and costs. That comes to $7,600. It is very impressive that by steady contribution through the year we only have $960 to go! Donations may be made directly to the Church bank account suffix 07 or by envelope marked "Kondoa". |
It is coming up to Easter and that is the time for the Hope Project booklets to go out. Can you help with delivering to an area near you? Sign up in the foyer or let Ian know if you would like to combine walking with delivering.
Palm Crosses
Sylvia is making palm crosses for Palm Sunday. If you would like to help let the office know and we can give you instructions and Sylvia is a friendly teacher!