As we follow the story of David, we find he sinned badly. How is a king held to account? God sent a prophet to challenge him.
In our service, we hear from the youth who went on the Scripture Union ski trip.
Ian preached on Mark 6:30-34, 53-56 addressing the background question of "Who is He?" The passage also encourages us that God's basic orientation is to heal.
Today Stu Duval gives his testimony of coming through a long dark valley of losing his son, but finding that the love of God and the grace of God continued to hold him and follow him through it all.
We are following a series in Messy Church and Intergenerational services called "The Big Story of God."
This week, we traverse the breadth of the Old Testament with a focus on Waiting. Waiting for the Messiah and so many other waits.
In today's service, the youth lead our music showing the skills they have been learning. Ian focused on the principles of giving that the Apostle Paul gave us in his second letter to the Corinthians:
The form which is below the video here, also lets us consider roles for which we might offer to our help. You can put it in the collection plate or email your response to the parish office. ![]()
Online Services
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Sermon Blog
Each week's sermon is also entered in the sermon blog with the Bible references, a PDF of the sermon and usually the video of the sermon only.
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Wednesday Online Prayers
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January 2025