Mothering Sunday has its 16th century roots in people returning to the church where they were baptised. By 19th century, servants were given that Sunday off to go home and the maids would gather spring flowers as they walked and take a posy to their mothers. We honour our mothers, the churches where we as individuals were raised in the faith, the Parishes that planted this parish. Peter in his sermon honours the commitment and love of mothers and shows how Jesus said that our Christian relationships will be of the same nature and character.
In his sermon, Peter Lloyd concludes:
"What these passages tells us is two things. "1. God will be unremitting in His task to drive sin out of our lives. Please don’t expect the Divine Surgeon to leave any vestige of the cancer called sin in your life. He cannot and must not FOR YOUR SAKE. His love for you is too great to leave it there. "2. Be assured that you will meet mercy and grace all the way in your journey with Him. It does not mean that mercy and Grace will be pleasant. It does mean that if there is pain God the Holy Spirit will not let it be there any longer than it must." Join in to follow the whole sermon. (The printed version is available in the Sermon Blog.) Notice: The Lenten Series continues this Wednesday with part two. See below for details.
Preacher: Ian Hardcastle [Texts: Luke 9:28-36; Philippians 3:17-4:1]
Today our main reading is the account of the Transfiguration. Why does this come in Lent? Perhaps because Lent is a preparation for Easter and the Transfiguration tells who Jesus is, and gives us confidence that He is working in us to sanctify from glory to glory and offers a foretaste of future glory. See below for notices of: March Mission Month | Hope Project Deliveries | Palm Crosses. Service video
Hope Project Deliveries
It is coming up to Easter and that is the time for the Hope Project booklets to go out. Can you help with delivering to an area near you? Sign up in the foyer or let Ian know if you would like to combine walking with delivering. Palm Crosses Sylvia is making palm crosses for Palm Sunday. If you would like to help let the office know and we can give you instructions and Sylvia is a friendly teacher! Sunday morning service for the first Sunday in Lent. Look out for the powerful intercessions for the Ukraine. See below video for notices: Lenten Study, Hope Project deliveries, Giving for relief in Ukraine. Notices
Online Services
We post videos of our services. Check this blog for regular Sunday video services. Livestream
Sermon Blog
Each week's sermon is also entered in the sermon blog with the Bible references, a PDF of the sermon and usually the video of the sermon only.
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Wednesday Online Prayers
Why not join us for our regular Wednesday 11am prayer meeting. Click here for details. Archives
January 2025