- Composing songs 2 Sam 22:1-4; 2 Sam 22:47-51
- Organising tabernacle music: 1 Chr 16:4-10; 1 Chr 16:37-43
- Planning and providing for the temple: 1 Chr 28:10-19
- Extravagant and wholehearted: 2 Sam 6:11-15
Trust: Trusted God to bring about his promises and not taking their fulfilment into his own hands – not killing Saul when he was at his mercy. Still respected him as king although he was persecuting him. 1 Sam 24:1-12
Love: Lamented over Saul when he was killed. 2 Sam 1:17-27
Humility: Promise of an eternal dynasty: “Who am I, Lord God, that you have brought me this far?”: 1 Chr 17:1-18
Integrity: Admitted mistakes and sins and took responsibility. His lie to Abimelech caused the death of 85 priests. He sought out the sole survivor to protect him and do all in his power to make it right. 1 Sam 20:1-10; 1 Sam 21:9-23
Treats Jonathan’s son well for sake of covenant with Jonathan: 1 Sam 20:14-17; 2 Sam 4:4; 2 Sam 9:3-7
Repentant: After his sin of adultery and murder, he was deeply contrite and repentant. 2 Sam 12:1-13; Psalm 51:1-12