This week, we explore Jesus' profound declaration, "I am the bread of life" (John 6:35, 41-51). Just as bread is a staple that nourishes our bodies, Jesus offers essential nourishment for our souls. As we reflect on this, let’s consider how Jesus sustains us daily, providing the spiritual food we need to thrive.
Every first week of the month, we are exploring a series in Intergenerational services called "The Big Story of God." This week, we celebrated that our Rescuer, God is here with us now, shining as our light!
As we follow the story of David, we find he sinned badly. How is a king held to account? God sent a prophet to challenge him.
In our service, we hear from the youth who went on the Scripture Union ski trip.
Ian preached on Mark 6:30-34, 53-56 addressing the background question of "Who is He?" The passage also encourages us that God's basic orientation is to heal.
Today Stu Duval gives his testimony of coming through a long dark valley of losing his son, but finding that the love of God and the grace of God continued to hold him and follow him through it all.
We are following a series in Messy Church and Intergenerational services called "The Big Story of God."
This week, we traverse the breadth of the Old Testament with a focus on Waiting. Waiting for the Messiah and so many other waits.
In today's service, the youth lead our music showing the skills they have been learning. Ian focused on the principles of giving that the Apostle Paul gave us in his second letter to the Corinthians:
The form which is below the video here, also lets us consider roles for which we might offer to our help. You can put it in the collection plate or email your response to the parish office. ![]()
There is a lot going on today - we had the Alpha weekend with some testimonies of the Holy Spirit and healing, the Youth held the World Vision 40 hour Challenge and we heard about their activities, we had the Koha Kayak lunch for Gavin going to the Olympics. Our guest preacher is Dr Paul Pickering who encouraged us just to talk to people, welcome them, show interest, share your story with them.
During this service Julie Walker was commissioned as President of AAW Auckland. Peter Lloyd preached on growth of the kingdom of God - it is God's initiative yet we are involved as well. It is God who brings it about yet we have a part to play.
Rev. Trevor McCracken delved into Mark 3:20-35, where Jesus is accused of being in league with Beelzebub. We explored how misunderstanding and labeling lead to conflict, drawing parallels with historical and modern events.
Learn how to respond to opposition by knowing your Bible, connecting with your church family, and following the Holy Spirit.
Continuing the Big Story of God, we look this time at King David. What does it mean that "he had a heart after God"? Puppets help us with the big picture story and then we look at some particular stories and see what attributes he displays there.
Trinity Sunday is the great finale of the seasons of Lent, Easter and Pentecost. Easter made it clear that Jesus is God; Pentecost that the Holy Spirit is God - and now at Trinity we put the pieces together to see that God is one in essence with three persons.
It's Pentecost when we remember especially the coming of the Holy Spirit to form the Church. In the sermon, Peter considers what Jesus meant by saying the Holy Spirit would convict the world of sin, righteousness and judgement.
In today's service, Ian asks how we can be sure we are saved, how can we be sure we will follow him and how we can follow him truly.
As we continue following "The Big Story of God" we followed the people of Israel through the wilderness to Mt Sinai where they were given the law - God's Best Ways to live.
Helen explored the implications of being called "Beloved" in the reading from the First Letter of John. Here are rich implications to ponder and from which to find life.
As we continue through the Easter season, the focus turns to Jesus' teachings about himself. Today it is The Good Shepherd.
Today we hear eye-witness evidence from Luke for the resurrection of Jesus and we see Peter speaking as a witness when he preaches in the early days of the Church. We too are called to be witnesses, not necessarily evangelists but witnesses. Witnesses tell of their experience - we can all do that.
As we continue "The Big Story of God" series, we have reached the account of God rescuing the people of Israel from Egypt. Follow along as we look at the plagues of Egypt, the Passover and the Red Sea crossing.
Celebrate the joy of Easter together. As we read the scriptures, we hear the evidence of three Apostles testifying to the resurrection of Jesus Christ from the dead to eternal life.
As we remember Jesus riding into Jerusalem, we see the fulfillment of Zechariah's words that the Messiah would be righteous, victorious and humble. Helen gave three challenges: Do we know who we are and who our Father is? Do we know our mission? How are we responding to the attractions of worldly pleasures and human passions?
Today's gospel is from John 3:16, which begins, "For God so loved the world." These words carry profound significance. If they are true, they have the power to change everything. However, if they are not true, the world without God's love is depicted as a dark place, devoid of hope, future, and meaning.
In March's intergenerational service, as we follow the Big Story of God, we focus on Abraham. Abraham is known as the father of faith. God called him to follow, promised to bless him and told him to look up at the stars and trust him that he would have many descendents. We too are called to follow, trust and obey.
A grand service today as we celebrated the baptism of Lucas.
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January 2025