by Lorraine Lloyd
I first made a deep discovery of prayer when the younger of my two children was just a 10-month-old.
As a busy young family with many demands on our time, Peter and I chose to put into our diary a time for a ‘date night’ (unusual in those days). The purpose of this date night was to aim at giving quality time to our relationship, not just quick catchup chats, but a time to really listen to one another. Time to listen to one another’s thoughts, feelings, ideas, challenges, hopes, dreams, concerns without being interrupted every five minutes by some other demands. What we were looking for was quality time for our relationship so we could deepen, strengthen, and develop our friendship.
However, it was quality time with God, the Holy Trinity, that I was also seeking at that time, and to be honest that I sensed God was drawing me into as well. A quality time of listening and sharing, of conversation and communion.
Around that time, I was reading through the gospel of Luke and I was impacted by the story of Mary and Martha (Luke 10:38-42). Do you remember the story? Martha was complaining to Jesus that she was doing all the work while Mary ‘was sitting at the feet of Jesus, listening to him! I must confess I felt a bit sorry for Martha because at that time I was terribly busy trying to impress my young husband with all the things I was doing in the house and garden. He did not appear to be giving me the kind of appreciation that I was hoping for. When I challenged him about it, he replied quite simply. “I am aware of those things and am truly grateful, but really what I need from you more than anything is not to be busy doing things for me, but to listen to my day. Listen to the challenges I have faced.” (at that time, we were working with a youth ministry in Christchurch with kids off the streets; an incredibly challenging and often emotionally draining task). What impacted me from the Martha and Mary story was highlighted in the words of Jesus to Martha “Martha, Martha you are “distracted” by many things. One thing is needed and it’s this. Listen to Me.” What I discovered as I meditated on that passage was that Jesus was aware of his approaching death and he wanted his friends and followers to listen to him. What was he thinking and feeling about his approaching death? How important was it for him to communicate all that was about to happen and to make sure his followers were in tune with him? Mary (unusual for a woman in that time) was doing just that! She was listening to Jesus. Martha was not listening; she was distracted with doing many things. In other words, she was preparing a roast dinner for Jesus and the team when cheese on toast would have been sufficient!!
So, an appointment with God each day for ‘conversation’ and ‘communion’ for anything the Lord may wish to share with me has lasted for over 40 years. My aim is always to listen to God both from the head and from the heart, and to share with God my head and heart as well. I never come with a ‘shopping list’ of requests. My prayers for others, study of the Scriptures, tasks etc evolve out of that time of communion. In good times and bad I have kept that appointment. Not always easy but I have been the richer. Does that mean that I do not pray throughout the day? No, not at all. Quick arrow prayers are going up all the time. But this time is set aside for a quality time of communication.
How do I begin?
If anyone would like to discuss with me anything that I have shared in this, please don’t hesitate to ask.
Lorraine Lloyd (021 482030)
As a busy young family with many demands on our time, Peter and I chose to put into our diary a time for a ‘date night’ (unusual in those days). The purpose of this date night was to aim at giving quality time to our relationship, not just quick catchup chats, but a time to really listen to one another. Time to listen to one another’s thoughts, feelings, ideas, challenges, hopes, dreams, concerns without being interrupted every five minutes by some other demands. What we were looking for was quality time for our relationship so we could deepen, strengthen, and develop our friendship.
However, it was quality time with God, the Holy Trinity, that I was also seeking at that time, and to be honest that I sensed God was drawing me into as well. A quality time of listening and sharing, of conversation and communion.
Around that time, I was reading through the gospel of Luke and I was impacted by the story of Mary and Martha (Luke 10:38-42). Do you remember the story? Martha was complaining to Jesus that she was doing all the work while Mary ‘was sitting at the feet of Jesus, listening to him! I must confess I felt a bit sorry for Martha because at that time I was terribly busy trying to impress my young husband with all the things I was doing in the house and garden. He did not appear to be giving me the kind of appreciation that I was hoping for. When I challenged him about it, he replied quite simply. “I am aware of those things and am truly grateful, but really what I need from you more than anything is not to be busy doing things for me, but to listen to my day. Listen to the challenges I have faced.” (at that time, we were working with a youth ministry in Christchurch with kids off the streets; an incredibly challenging and often emotionally draining task). What impacted me from the Martha and Mary story was highlighted in the words of Jesus to Martha “Martha, Martha you are “distracted” by many things. One thing is needed and it’s this. Listen to Me.” What I discovered as I meditated on that passage was that Jesus was aware of his approaching death and he wanted his friends and followers to listen to him. What was he thinking and feeling about his approaching death? How important was it for him to communicate all that was about to happen and to make sure his followers were in tune with him? Mary (unusual for a woman in that time) was doing just that! She was listening to Jesus. Martha was not listening; she was distracted with doing many things. In other words, she was preparing a roast dinner for Jesus and the team when cheese on toast would have been sufficient!!
So, an appointment with God each day for ‘conversation’ and ‘communion’ for anything the Lord may wish to share with me has lasted for over 40 years. My aim is always to listen to God both from the head and from the heart, and to share with God my head and heart as well. I never come with a ‘shopping list’ of requests. My prayers for others, study of the Scriptures, tasks etc evolve out of that time of communion. In good times and bad I have kept that appointment. Not always easy but I have been the richer. Does that mean that I do not pray throughout the day? No, not at all. Quick arrow prayers are going up all the time. But this time is set aside for a quality time of communication.
How do I begin?
- I take an exercise book (which I use as a journal- lots of them now!!) pen and bible and sit in a quiet place. It is usually the same place every day. I am an early riser and the rest of my family were late sleepers, so that always made it easier for me. I have to say when I first began it was hard. Especially if I had been up during the night with one of the children. I often used to sleep through my early appointment! However, over time it became and remains one of the greatest treasures of my day.
- I begin my time my saying “Good morning Father. Good morning Lord Jesus. Good morning Holy Spirit” and I wait and listen for a response. Sometimes, there is an immediate response, at other times not. Sometimes I will follow on with praying through a psalm such as Psalm 100:4 or Psalm 150. I might use a worship CD or reflect on the words in a hymn book. I sometimes pray an ancient prayer “Jesus, Son of God have mercy on me a sinner. (repeated three times) as a means of entering God’s presence. Other times I will use the gift of the Holy Spirit, that of speaking in tongues, as is reflected in 1 Corinthians chapters 12-14. All of these steps are ‘tools” if you like to assist me to become aware of the ‘Others’ presence and to engage in conversation and communion with Him.
If anyone would like to discuss with me anything that I have shared in this, please don’t hesitate to ask.
Lorraine Lloyd (021 482030)