An important part of building relationships is the meals in parishioners home. Today John and Tito visited Gerry and Linda Hay. In addition to good conversation, they had a surprise for them. The Hay family likes Jetskis and took our guests out on the water!
In the evening, there was great delight as Iri and Kate Mato had come up from Gisbourne to see Tito and John. Kate and Iri were CMS Mission Partners in Kondoa for some years and had a strong connection with our guests. So it was a chance to catch up with old friends. The Matos stayed the night to attend worship in the morning before heading home. In addition, Tina Megaw a friend of David and Jen Pearce (also former CMS Mission Partners to Kondoa) had come up to meet John and Tito. Tina's husband Ian visited Kondoa earlier in the year.
The evening meal was a barbeque where our friends helped cook.
The evening meal was a barbeque where our friends helped cook.