This is all about a desire to follow hard after God and about "If you want to get wet, go stand under a waterfall." Just the same way, Ian and I went to Toronto 21 years ago and we were touched by God there in a way that changed the course of our lives.
This morning, we went driven about 50 mins north-west to a Four Square church. They were very hungry for the things of God. Tom preached a message about hunger for God and then we prayed for people. I went to the back and prayed for people who were not pressing forward. it took a little longer for them to start showing signs of the presence of God upon them, but it happened. I prayed for a little girl who fell over under the power of the Holy Spirit.
Then tonight, we went back to Gravidade Zero. what an amazing church! The had a couple of dozen translators and as we approached the church, they started greeting us. As we passed by achieve one, they hugged and kissed us and said how welcome we were. By the next of that, we felt really great! Really loved and welcomed. The sermon this evening was about facing difficulties in life and how our story in our life will always have challenges in it. Every story has conflict and resolution. I was very touched by Charities talk and the whole church surged forward afterwards at the altar call. We prayed for people, many of whom needed inner healing, a girl who had been abandoned by her parents and felt u loveable, a little girl who was hyperactive after having been cursed by her grandmother, a solo mother who was suffering from depression. All felt more peaceful and joyful after prayer. One of the team prayed for a man who had been shot through one eye and the bullet had lodged behind the other eye. The eye that had survived was able to see letters two inches high, but after prayer he could read a Bible!!! Praise God!