The flush of summer fruit has gone, but what I froze still counts! Summer Fruit Chutney has hit the jam table and the abundance of citrus fruit means that I can now offer Tangelo and Lemon Marmalade plus the all-time favourite, Three Fruit Marmalade (grapefruit, orange and lemon). Today's effort was 6 jars of Rich Red Plum Jam. Anne is making Lemon Honey. That flies off the table quicker than you can say, "Yum,yum!"
I have received many lemons, so have been juicing hard to store up a lot of juice in the freezer until the next citrus season rolls around.
Many thanks to those who have donated fruit, sugar and pectin! Thanks also to the ladies who have spent time with me, cutting fruit and helping it all to be fun. Due to their help, nearly $1,400 has been able to be sent in from jam sales since the last post.
Bishop Given has let us know that the most urgent need at the moment has been to buy food for the start of the Bible College year in August/September. If they buy food now, it means that they won’t have to pay the exorbitant prices which come later on in a year of famine. That is what they are facing in Kondoa at present.
53 students have registered to attend the Bible College. This is very important, because without trained leaders, it is very hard to guide the churches which are constantly springing up. The good news about Jesus is REALLY good news when all you have grown up with in your life has been the need to placate tree spirits, moon and sun gods, sacrifice chickens for a good harvest or for a wife to conceive.
When a church grows from a village that has never heard of Jesus ever– not in 2000 years – and grows to 200 in one year, it needs a good leader to keep it on track. So that is why I have targeted the jam money to go to feed Bible College students. These courageous people, once trained, will be given responsibility for leadership in very tough places and they need all the help and prayer we can send!
Due to trouble at the ranch, Ian and I will not be travelling to Kondoa this year. This is very disappointing. Still, if it means I can focus on raising the money to feed the Bible College for a year, it will be time well spent. Most of that money (approximately $6000) has come in and is on its way to Kondoa. Now they can concentrate on raising funds to pay for teachers, books, etc.