Then was the visit to the tailor. SURPRISE! I knew him! He was the sewing teacher at the Sewing School at the Cathedral whom I had met the previous year. So there was a joyous reunion, plus a bonus of meeting the pastor of Berecko church, whose church we had visited on the way down to Kondoa last time. More joyous reunion.
So the next challenge was communicating with the tailor what style of outfit I wanted. Fortunately, Sabrina (Englishwoman on Cathedral staff) was wearing just what I wanted to have made up. So she, speaking Swahili, told them what I wanted, which included godets instead of a split at the back.
The next day was more of a real rest, with a team meeting lasting until 12.30, then a rest until lunch at 3:20pm!! Meals seem to be far later here than at home. During lunch, we found out that one of the cooks had a husband sick at home with malaria that was not responding to the usual malaria drugs. so we offered to pray for him. Off we trudged in the heat up a hill. Walking past lots of new houses being built, with the typical steep roof and plaster over brick, we finally reached the house. I had been getting tired and hot and grumpy thinking, "THis was supposed to be a rest day!" So I said to the Lord, "Please forgive my bad attitude and use me as you used robbie Dawkins when he had a bad attitude." And so it was. We commanded the headache to go and it went. Then he said he had pains all over his back. It took longert to shift these, but the pain level went down from 10 to 2. THen Anne attacked the fever and the sweat on his brow disappeared and he started to feel much better. Praise the Lord! A first in successful prayer for malaria.