We had a restful day today, until 4:30 – team meeting. Received impartation prayer.
On the way to the bus, there were so many people in the team who had to go down to the foyer from the top floor (28th), that a few of us walked down the emergency exit stairs to avoid the long wait for an elevator ride. Someone started singing in tongues. One by one, the rest joined in and the overall effect was of a medieval chant in an echoey crypt. Beautiful.
Then had a half hour bus journey to a local church. We felt very warmly welcomed. People were lined up waiting to welcome us. We were given delicious food, then the meeting started. Amazing worship music followed by Carter Wood preaching. He gave the testimony of his conversion at age 3! Even though so small, he had been the only one to come forward at a revival meeting altar call. He spoke into the mic, and said “Every one should know Jesus!” and then the whole congregation responded to the Lord and there were many conversions! So he has been a revivalist from a very early age :-)
Tonight I prayed for for a woman who had had a painful back for 8 years. She had had prayer before but the pain had come hack. It felt as if she had a heavy weight on her back. We waited on God to find out how to pray. It seemed to her that the weight was what other people had put on her, so we prayed for it to be lifted. I suggested she put the burdens she felt at the foot of the cross. I asked her to declare aloud, “ Jesus is their saviour and I am not.”
I had felt there was some some inherited stuff that needed dealing with, some bad choice her parents had made. She said she had a bad relationship with her father and renounced any judgements she had made of her father. I placed the cross of Christ between her and any negative spiritual inheritance. Then I commanded the pain to go. It went from a level “10” to an “8”. I commanded it to go again, and it went down to a “3” and moved to one side. I commanded a spirit of affliction to go and all the pain went. Praise God!