Lockdown Details
Here you will find details of people to contact if you are anxious or need help. If you need to work out how to make your offering online, details are here too.
Online Giving
The telephone tree is working to make sure that everyone on the parish roll is spoken to - just for a friendly word, to see you are OK and have some company. If you are feeling anxious or would like to talk to someone or need help with shopping etc please make contact with:
Our giving is an important part of our worship of God. Jesus talked quite a lot about money! We all want to keep up to date with our offerings but if we are a cash or envelope giver it may have come to a halt with the lockdown.
Meanwhile, the expenses of the Parish go on regardless! Thank you to those who already or have started to give by bank transfer. If you have been a cash or envelope giver, would you consider making your offering by bank transfer? It is very easy to set up if you use online banking. Bank Account: 12-3084-0097535-04 In Particulars put your name; in Code your giving or envelope number; in Reference put Giving. If you don't have a giving number, we cannot issue an end of year receipt which would allow you a 33% tax credit. If you want a giving number contact Alison Vedder (manager @ststephenswgp.org.nz) |