This week we are given a glimpse of Jesus as a boy about the age of maturity with a grasp already of whose son he is. He had to go through the processes of growth and maturing as do we. God uses process - where are we in His processes with us?
Don't let the familiarity of Christmas rob you of its significance. Here angels announced the birth of One they called the Saviour, the Christ and the Lord. The shepherds went to see and were amazed - they came away praising God. Mary pondered these things in her heart. The birth of our Saviour, our King and God himself is a great wonder and joy. We like the shepherds must be amazed and tell people and like Mary ponder these things in our hearts.
On the last Sunday of Advent we are looking at the events leading up to the birth of Jesus.
The promise of the Bible is that God comes to us if we will receive him. In Revelation 3, Jesus says he stands at the door of our lives knocking for admission - what is your answer to him?
As we follow our Advent series, today we look at three 'jigsaw pieces' out of the New Testament descriptions about the future return of Jesus.
Our Intergenerational Service begins with a reflection on "tiny poems" and invites intergenerational participation, with attendees discussing images and poems that evoke memories of the Advent season. The focus is on the themes of hope, waiting, and the story of God's promises, highlighted by a Bible timeline and verses of the hymn O Come, O Come, Emmanuel. Participants create Advent candles to mark the days leading to Christmas, symbolising hope and anticipation. The service concludes with prayers for those in need and a collective reflection on the joy and faithfulness of Christ's coming.
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Each week's sermon is also entered in the sermon blog with the Bible references, a PDF of the sermon and usually the video of the sermon only.
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January 2025